B.J. Kim, Ph.D.

Dr. BJ Kim smiling in an outdoor setting

Assistant Professor of Molecular Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery

B.J. (Byungji) Kim leads the Kim Lab (a.k.a. Kimmunity) with a focus on developing cutting-edge RNA-based therapeutics and immunoengineering tools for cancer, vaccines, and drug delivery. She earned her Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from UC San Diego with Prof. Michael J. Sailor, where she gained expertise in RNA delivery. As a postdoctoral associate at MIT with Prof. Darrell J. Irvine, she addressed immunological barriers to RNA vaccines and developed next-generation RNA delivery systems for cancer treatment. 
She has also received numerous recognitions both within and outside her scientific community, such as the Peter Karches Mentorship Prize from MIT, Rising Star from Duke DEFINE, and distinctions as a Convergence Scholar at MIT and a Gordon Scholar at UCSD. 
Her multidisciplinary research blends materials science, immunology, and bioengineering to tackle some of the most pressing challenges in therapeutic development for clinical translation. The Kim Lab develops cutting-edge RNA therapeutics by advancing high-throughput screening technologies, investigating biological barriers to RNA delivery, and engineering innovative RNA drugs for cancer and other diseases.
Contact Information
Campus location:
BME 6.202D