Professor of Health Outcomes
Fellow of Doluisio Regents Professorship
Dr. Moczygemba is a Professor in the Health Outcomes Division and Associate Director of the Texas Center for Health Outcomes Research and Education at The University of Texas College of Pharmacy (UTCOP). Her research program focuses on working with communities and health-systems to mitigate health disparities by developing innovative, patient-centered interventions to optimize medication use and health outcomes. Guided by the principles of community-engaged research, she routinely uses qualitative and quantitative techniques, program evaluation, and the science of quality improvement to advance the health of people experiencing homelessness, low-income adults, and people living in rural areas by tailoring interventions to hard-to-reach groups using end-user input and feedback.
For the past 17 years, she has worked with communities and health systems, including federally-qualified health centers, church-based organizations, pharmacies, and community partners in Virginia, Texas, and Florida, to mitigate health inequities by developing and testing multi-level interventions to optimize health outcomes. She is currently the Principal Investigator of a 5-year, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) funded grant that aims to refine and test a community-based mHealth intervention, comprised of GPS and text messaging components, which aims to decrease emergency department use and hospitalizations among people experiencing homelessness. She is also the Co-Principal Investigator of a statewide project in Texas, funded by the Texas Department of State Health Services/CDC, that focuses on enhancing medication therapy management (MTM) delivery in community pharmacies in medically underserved areas by improving community pharmacy workflow, engaging providers in MTM, and increasing bidirectional MTM referrals between pharmacists and physicians.
She has led a robust mixed-methods program evaluation, analyzing clinical, economic, and humanistic outcomes and process measures, for a Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services Innovation Center Grant that enrolled 2,500 individuals across 22 clinics in rural, southwest Virginia and examined the impact of pharmacist-delivered MTM. Dr. Moczygemba was recently selected as a voting member of the Performance Monitoring Committee of the Austin/Travis County Homelessness Response System, and she serves as an invited member on various committees for national pharmacy organizations. Dr. Moczygemba was a Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Blick Scholar and a NIH KL2 Scholar. She was also a 2017 NIH mHealth Scholar. She was selected as an American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Leadership Fellow in 2018 and an American Pharmacists Association Fellow in 2020. Dr. Moczygemba received her PharmD and PhD from the UTCOP in 2004 and 2008, respectively, and has been recognized with the UTCOP Distinguished Young Alumnus Award. She was a faculty member at VCU from 2008 – 2016.
Ph.D., The University of Texas at Austin
Pharm.D., The University of Texas at Austin
Research Profile
NCBI: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=leticia%20moczygemba
Selected Recent Publications
*Denotes student(s)/trainee(s) at the time of the study.
CORE Research Area: Patient-Centered Outcomes Research
Moczygemba LR, Singh H, Baffoe JO*. Research and Scholarly Methods: Community-engaged Research. Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy. Published online August 2023.
Baffoe JO*, Moczygemba LR, Brown CM. Self-Perceived Discrimination in a Community Pharmacy: A Cross-Sectional, National Survey. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association. 2023;63(2):518-528.
Coe AB, Elliott MH, Gatewood SBS, Goode JVR, Moczygemba LR. Perceptions and Predictors of Intention to Receive COVID-19 in the United States. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy. 2022;18(4):2593-2599.
Moczygemba LR, Thurman W, Tormey K, Hudzik, A, Welton-Arndt L. GPS Mobile Health Intervention Among People Experiencing Homelessness: Pre-Post Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research Mhealth Uhealth. 2021;9(11):e25553.
Thurman WT*, Semwal M*, Moczygemba LR, Hilbelink M. Smartphone technology to empower people experiencing homelessness: Secondary Analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2021;23(9):e27787.
CORE Research Area: Healthcare Systems Research
Wash A*, Moczygemba LR, Brown CM, Crismon, ML, Whitaker T. A Narrative Review of the Well-being and Burnout of US Community Pharmacists. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association. 2024;64(2):337-349.
Okoh CM*, Moczygemba LR, Thurman W, Brown CM, Hanson C, Baffoe JO. An Examination of the Emerging Field of Community Paramedicine: A National Cross-Sectional Survey of Community Paramedics. BMC Health Services Research. 2023;23(1):516.
Wash A*, Moczygemba LR, Anderson L, Pye T. Using the Theory of Planned Behavior to Assess Oregon Community Pharmacists’ Intention to Prescribe Using the Formulary and Protocol Compendia. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy. Published online July 16, 2022.
Wash A*, Moczygemba LR, Anderson L, Pye T. Pharmacists’ Intention to Prescribe Under New Legislation. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy. 2022;18(5):2837-2847.
Roscoe C*, Moczygemba LR, Garza A, Simien L, Linedecker-Smith S. Perceptions of collaborative care team members on facilitators and barriers to care and glycosylated hemoglobin level as a diabetes quality metric at a federally qualified health center in Texas. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association. 2021;61(4S):S57-S67.
CORE Research Area: Health Economics and Outcomes Research
Zhang H*, Barner JC, Moczygemba LR, Rascati KL, Park C. Comparing survival outcomes between neoadjuvant and adjuvant chemotherapy within breast cancer subtypes and stages among older women: A SEER-Medicare analysis. Breast Cancer. 2023;30(3):489-496.
Zhang H*, Barner JC, Moczygemba LR, Rascati KL, Park C, Kodali D. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy use trends among older women with breast cancer: 2010–2017. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 2022. [Epub ahead of print].
Zhang H*, Barner JC, Moczygemba LR, Rascati KL. Assessment of Basal Insulin Adherence Using 2 Methodologies among Texas Medicaid Enrollees with Type 2 Diabetes. Journal of Managed Care Specialty Pharmacy. 2020;26(11):1434-1444.
Coe AB*, Moczygemba LR, Ogbonna KC, Parsons PL, Slattum PW, Mazmanian PE. Predictors of Emergent Emergency Department Visits and Costs in Community-Dwelling Older Adults. Health Serv Insights. 2018;11ecollection.
Graduate Courses
- PGS196S Seminar in Pharmacy (Topics: Tools Used to Measure Constructs in Health Outcomes Research, COVID-related Health Outcomes Research)
- PGS 185D Responsible Conduct of Science (Course Coordinator)
- PGS 390K Experimental Design/Research Methods in Health Care (Topic: Survey Design)
- PGS 390U Advanced Research Methods (Topics: Community-engaged Research, Program Evaluation, Science of Quality Improvement)
PharmD Courses
- PHM 192V/U Foundations of Professional Development Interprofessional Education Component (Course Co-coordinator)
- PHM 384L Pharmacy/Health Care Systems (Topics: Pharmacist Services, Medication Safety)
- PHM 283L Health Behavior and Health Outcomes (Topic: People Experiencing Homelessness)
- PHM 394F Pharmacy Management (Topics: Performance Appraisal Systems, Pharmacy Technicians, Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Innovation)
Significant/Recent Activities
National and International Service Activities
- Fellow, American Pharmacists Association
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Healthcare Effectiveness and Outcomes Study Section Member
- Advisory Board Member, St. David’s Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research in Underserved Populations
University/College Service Activities
- Chair, UT College of Pharmacy Faculty Development Committee
- UT-APhA-ASP Co-advisor
- 2023 – 2024 Research Leaders Academy
Email address:
Campus location:
US Mail Address:
UT College of Pharmacy-Health Outcomes
2409 University Avenue, STOP A1930
Austin, TX 78712-1117
FEDEX Address:
107 W. Dean Keeton St.
PHR 3.210B
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX 78712