Assistant Professor of Practice
Associate Director of Pharmacy Addictions Research & Medicine Program
Lindsey J. Loera graduated from the University of Texas at Austin College of Pharmacy (UTCOP) and completed a two-year postgraduate research and teaching fellowship with the Pharmacy Addictions Research & Medicine (PhARM) Program. She is now an assistant professor of practice at the UTCOP and is the associate director of the PhARM Program. In these roles, Dr. Loera conducts research that supports the Texas Targeted Opioid Response initiative and provides instruction in pharmacotherapy and interprofessional collaboration courses. In addition to these appointments, she serves as a faculty co-advisor to the Austin, Texas, collegiate chapter of the American Association of Psychiatric Pharmacists. Dr. Loera has been recognized with prestigious national honors, including a United States Public Health Service Excellence in Public Health Pharmacy award and research awards from the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy and the American College of Clinical Pharmacy.
American College of Clinical Pharmacy: Research Fellowship Best Poster (2021)
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy: Finalist – Best Poster by a Resident, Fellow, or Postdoc (2021)
United States Excellence in Public Health Pharmacy Award (2019)
Phi Delta Chi Lambda Chapter: Alumni of the Year Award (2023)
UT College of Pharmacy: Postdoctoral Program Abstract Winner (2021)
UT College of Pharmacy: Mortar & Pestle Award (2020)
UT College of Pharmacy: Benjamin Reed Leader in Pharmacy (2018)
Phi Lambda Sigma Pharmacy Leadership Society Inductee (2018)
Amber Tran: AMERSA Growing a Diverse Workforce Award (2023)
Grace Ukazim: AMERSA Conference Travel Award (2023)
Amber Tran: Hazelden Betty Ford SIMS Program (2023)
Saumyaa Patel: Hazelden Betty Ford SIMS Program (2023)
Hannah McCullough: UT Center for Health IPE Best Visual Poster Award (2023)
Sofia Garcia: AAPP Student Registration Grant (2023)
Sorina Torrez: CPNP Student Registration Grant (2022)
Megan Yeung: TSHP Research and Education Scholarship Program (2022)
Sorina Torrez: UT College of Pharmacy Benjamin Reed Leader in Pharmacy Award (2021)
Tran AR, Patel SA, Loera LJ, Smith T, *Catanzano S. (2024). The impact of early direct-contact experiences on reducing mental health stigma among student pharmacists: A pilot study. Ment Health Clin. 14(1): 73-78. DOI: 10.9740/mhc.2024.02.073.
*Zalmai R, Hill LG, Loera LJ, Mosgrove Q, Brown CM. (2023). Community pharmacists’ attitudes and intentions toward dispensing buprenorphine/naloxone for opioid use disorder. J Am Pharm Assoc. 63(5):1558-1565. DOI: 10.1016/j.japh.2023.06.010.
Murchison ML, Loera LJ, *Hill LG. (2023). Medications for opioid use disorder in professional recovery programs in the United States: Policies and recommendation patterns. Ment Health Clin. 13(3):163-164. DOI: 10.9740/mhc.2023.06.163.
Loera LJ, *Hill LG, Evoy KE, Reveles KR. (2023). Research and scholarly methods: Audit studies. J Am Coll Clin Pharm. 6(5):521-527. DOI: 10.1002/jac5.1782.
Britton TR, Clague MR, Zagorski CM, Hill LG, *Loera LJ. (2023). A wound care and immunization needs assessment for participants of a mobile syringe services program in Austin, Texas. J Am Pharm Assoc. 63(1):361-365. DOI: 10.1016/j.japh.2022.10.018.
Cance JD, Bingaman A, Kane H, Hairgrove S, Torrez SB, Buck A, Zagorski CM, Loera LJ, *Hill LG. (2023). A qualitative exploration of unintentional vs. intentional exposure to fentanyl among people who use drugs in Austin, Texas. J Am Pharm Assoc. 63(1):317-323. DOI: 10.1016/j.japh.2022.10.005.
Loera LJ, *Hill LG, Zagorski CM, Jermain ML, Tirado CF. (2023). Description and evaluation of a pilot advanced pharmacy practice experience in addiction medicine. Am J Pharm Educ. 87(1):8926. DOI: 10.5688/ajpe8926.
*Hill LG, Loera LJ, Torrez SB, Puzantian T, Evoy KE, Ventricelli DJ, Eukel H, Peckham AM, Chen C, Ganetsky V, Yeung M, Zagorski CM, Reveles KR. (2022). Availability of buprenorphine/naloxone films and naloxone nasal spray in community pharmacies in 11 U.S. states. Drug Alcohol Depend. 237:109518. DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2022.109518.
White KM, *Hill LG, Perez JC, Torrez SB, Zagorski CM, Loera LJ. (2022). Policies regarding use of medications for opioid use disorder in professional recovery programs: A scoping review. Subst Abus. 43(1):749-755. DOI: 10.1080/08897077.2021.2010161.
*Hill LG, Zagorski CM, Loera LJ. (2022). Increasingly powerful opioid antagonists are not necessary. Int J Drug Policy. 99:103457. DOI: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2021.103457.
*Hill LG, Loera LJ, Evoy KE, Torrez SB, Renfro ML, Zagorski CM, Perez JC, Jones SM, Reveles KR. (2021). Availability of buprenorphine/naloxone films and naloxone nasal spray in community pharmacies in Texas, USA. Addiction. 116(6):1505-1511. DOI: 10.1111/ADD.15314.
*Renfro ML, Loera LJ, Tirado CF, Hill LG. (2020). Lofexidine for acute opioid withdrawal: A clinical case series. Ment Health Clin. 10(5):259-263. DOI: 10.9740/mhc.2020.09.259.
Required Didactic Courses
PHM 191U Foundations of Interprofessional Collaborative Practice I (P1)
PHM 182V Pharmacy Practice Lab II (P1)
PHM 193U and 193V Foundations of Interprofessional Collaborative Practice V and VI (P3)
PHM 186V Pharmacy Practice Lab VI (P3)
PHM 291 Pharmacotherapy of Pain and Addiction (P3)
Elective Coursework
PHM 693E Addiction Medicine Elective APPE (P4)
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Campus location:
US Mail Address:
The University of Texas at Austin
PHR 2.222
2409 University Avenue, A1910
Austin, TX 78712