Professor Emeritus of Chemical Biology & Medicinal Chemistry
Eckerd Centennial Professor Emeritus
University Distinguished Teaching Professor
UT System Academy of Distinguished Teachers
My current research efforts are focused on the impact of educational technology on teaching and learning in the scientific component of the professional (PharmD) curriculum. The use of technology is being explored to enhance student understanding of the basic principles of drug metabolism, including functional group recognition, and identification of relevant enzymes, reaction classifications, and metabolic products. Through the use of Flash technology, we have developed metabolic simulations for use by faculty in the classroom and laboratory, and as individual tutorials for students. We are currently assessing the impact of this technology in terms of facilitating student understanding of xenobiotic metabolism and developing the ability to predict logical routes of metabolism for drug molecules.
My major teaching responsibilities in the professional (PharmD) and graduate program focus on:
- Basic principles in drug metabolism (PHR143M/P and PGS396M);
- The medicinal chemistry and pharmacology of antimicrobial agents (PHR675E);
- Pharmacogenomics (principles and metabolic basis) (PHR 396M)
- Advanced antimicrobials (PHR384D) and Honors (PHR184D)
- The Academic Internship for preparing future faculty (PHR693E).
W.H. Huang, R.E. Wilcox, and P.J. Davis. 2002. “Comparative Molecular Field Analysis (CoMFA) for Sulfoxidation Reactions in Mortierella isabellina and Helminthosporium.” 2001, Journal of Molecular Modeling, 8, 8-23.
W.H. Huang and P.J. Davis. “Culture Generation-Dependent Stereoselective Oxidation of Sulfides to Sulfoxides in Helminthosporium species.” In preparation for Xenobiotica (Wen-Hsin Huang dissertation research).
V.F. Roche, P.J. Davis, M.C. Pankaskie, B.L. Currie, R.D. Sindelar, J.E. Wynn, and S. Zito. 2000 “The Status of Chemistry Content in the Professional Pharmacy Curriculum: Results of a National Survey.” Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 64(3):239-250).
P. Davis. “Course Development on Emerging Infections”. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Snowmass, Co, July, 1998. J. Pharm.Ed., 62: 93S (1998)
P.J. Davis and J. Briggle. “Computer-Based Tutorials in Drug Metabolism.” Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Kansas City, July, 2002. J. Pharm.Ed., 66: 82S (2002) Website
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The University of Texas at Austin
PHR 5.112D
1 University Station, C0850
Austin, TX 78712-0128
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107 W. Dean Keeton St.
PHR 5.112D
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX 78712