James T. Doluisio Centennial Fellowship Professor Emeritus
James T. Doluisio Centennial Fellowship Professor Emeritus
Neuropharmacology / neurochemistry
Synaptic transmission / signal transduction
Parkinson’s disease
Major depressive disorder
Bipolar disorder
Alzheimer’s disease
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
- Brusniak, M. Y., R. S. Pearlman, et al. (1996). “Comparative molecular field analysis-based prediction of drug affinities at recombinant D1A dopamine receptors.” Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 39(4): 850-9.
- Mak, C. K., M. Avalos, et al. (1996). “Improved models for pharmacological null experiments: calculation of drug efficacy at recombinant D1A dopamine receptors stably expressed in clonal cell lines.” Neuropharmacology 35(5): 549-70.
- Erickson, C. K., R. E. Wilcox, et al. (1998). “Education of nonscientists about new alcohol research: results of two types of presentations plus 6-month follow-up.” Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research 22(9): 1890-7.
- Wilcox, R. and B. McMillen (1998). “The rational use of drugs as therapeutic agents for the treatment of the alcoholisms.” Alcohol. 15(2): 161-77.
- Wilcox, R., T. Tseng, et al. (1998). “CoMFA-based prediction of agonist affinities at recombinant D1 vs. D2 dopamine receptors.” J. Med. Chem. 41: 4385-4399.
- Wilcox, R. E., R. A. Gonzales, et al. (1998). Introduction to neurotransmitters, receptors, signal transduction and second messengers. Textbook of Psychopharmacology. C. B. Nemeroff and A. F. Schatzberg, American Psychiatric Press: 3-36.
- Avalos, M. A., C. Mak, et al. (2000). “Non-linear analysis of partial dopamine agonist effects on camp in c6 glioma cells.” J. Pharm. Tox. Meth. 45: 17-37.
- Edwards, S., S. L. Hoyler, et al. (2000). “Beta2-adrenoreceptor inverse agonists enhance cAMP accumulation via up-regulation of functional receptor density at the cell surface.” Soc. Neuroscience Abstr 26: 116 (45.14).
- Galindo, D., S. Edwards, et al. (2000). “Comparative effects of a full D1 agonist, a D2 receptor agonist, and ethanol on the phosphorylation of DARPP-32 and the NR1 subunit of the NMDA receptor.” Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 30: 786 (#290.6).
- Raofi, S., P. K. Wong, et al. (2000). “Modulation of G-protein linked cAMP accumulation in immortalized murine cortical astrocytes by retroviral infection.” Brain Research 862(1-2): 230-3.
- Wilcox, R. E. (2000). Dopamine. Encyclopedia of Psychology and Neuroscience, 3rd edition. W. E. Craighead and C. B. Nemeroff. New York, John Wiley. 1: 454-457.
- Wilcox, R. E. and C. K. Erickson (2000). “Commentary – Neurobiological aspects of the addictions.” J. Addictions Nursing, 12(3/4), 117-133 12(3/4): 117-133.
- Wilcox, R. E., W.-H. Huang, et al. (2000). “CoMFA-based prediction of agonist affinities at recombinant wild type versus serine to alanine point mutated D2 dopamine receptors.” Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 43(16): 3005-3019.
- Wilcox, R. E., J. E. Ragan, et al. (2000). “High-affinity agonist interactions at recombinant 5HT7 receptors – estimates using CoMFA (comparative molecular field analysis).” Soc. Neuroscience Abstr. 26: 2157 (810.9).
- Chu, J., W. Wilczynski, et al. (2001). ” Pharmacological Characterization of the D1 and D2-like Dopamine Receptors from the Brain of the Leopard Frog, Rana pipiens.” Brain Behavior and Evolution 57: 328-342.
- Doherty, J. M. and R. E. Wilcox (2001). “Acute in vivo dopaminergic drug effects on striatal versus nucleus accumbens protein phosphorylation.” Bain Research: in progress.
- Erickson, C. K. and R. E. Wilcox (2001). “Pharmacology of addiction.” Tex. Pharm. Assoc. J. winter: 8-13.
- Erickson, C. K. and R. E. Wilcox (2001). “Neurobiological causes of addictions.” J. Social Work Practice in the Addictions 1(3): 7-22.
- Wilcox, R. E. and C. K. Erickson (2001). Brain biology of drug abuse and addiction. Neurobiology of Addictions – Implications for Clinical Practice. R. T. Spence, D. M. DiNitto and S. L. A. Straussner. Binghamton, NY, Haworth Press, Inc.: 7-23.
- Wilcox, R. E., J. E. Ragan, et al. (2001). “High-affinity interactions of ligands at recombinant guinea pig 5HT7 receptors.” J. Computer-Aided Molecular Design 15: 883-909.
- Edwards, S., S. L. Hoyler, et al. (2002). “Sensitization of beta2-adrenoreceptor-mediated cAMP generation after chronic exposure to inverse agonists.” British J. Pharmacology: in preparation.
- Edwards, S., D. Simmons, et al. (2002). “Antagonistic Effects of Dopaminergic Signaling and Ethanol on PKA-Mediated Phosphorylation of DARPP-32 and the NR1 Subunit of the NMDA Receptor.” Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 26(2): 173-180.
- Huang, W.-H., R. E. Wilcox, et al. (2002). “Comparative Molecular Field Analysis (CoMFA) for sulfoxidation reactions in Mortierella isabellina ATCC 42613 and Helminthosporim sp. NRRL 4671.” J. Molecular Modeling 8: 8-23.
- Scott, A., J. Doherty, et al. (2002). “Oxotremorine-M, oxotremorine-S, and eticlopride/naltrexone, but not fluoxetine, enhance striatal phosphorylation of the NMDA-R1 receptor subunit in mice following acute in vivo challenge.” Brain Research: in preparation.
- Trzeciakowskii, J. P. and R. E. Wilcox (2002). “Estimating the relative efficacy of partial dopamine receptor agonists in recombinant receptor expression systems: Comparison of functional interaction and combined effects models.” J. Thoretical Biol.: submitted.
- Doddakashi, V., L. Hauser, et al. (2003). “Female suicide in Texas 1994 -1998.” Texas Medicine: in press.
- Erickson, C. K., R. E. Wilcox, et al. (2003). “Effectiveness of Addiction Science Presentations to Treatment Professionals, Using a Modified Solomon Study Design.” Journal of Drug Education in press.
- Lawson, K. A., R. E. Wilcox, et al. (2003). “Educating Professionals to Promote Addiction Science Research: Demographics of Knowledge and Belief Changes.” Substance Abuse and Misuse 2003.
- Li, S., D. Simmons, et al. (2003). “Acute in vivo challenge with the antidepressant fluoxetine enhances expression of striatal pDARPP-32, an effect that is reversed by ethanol.” J. Neural Trans.: in preparation.
- Wilcox, R. E. and C. K. Erickson (2003). “Prevention of relapse to addiction – information for the practitioner.” Texas Medicine submitted.
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Austin, TX 78712