Assistant Professor of Instruction
Dr. Tonia Guida is an Assistant Professor in the Division of Pharmacy Practice at The University of Texas at Austin College of Pharmacy. She leads the pathway training programs in the college including Project Engage Pharmacy program (PEPP), Building Our Own Talent (BOOT) graduate student program, and LEADER, an undergraduate summer research program. She also co-chairs the college's Opportunity and Engagement committee.
Dr. Guida earned a B.A. in Sociology and Education Studies from The University of California, Los Angeles, an M.Ed. in Higher Education and Student Affairs from the University of Texas at Austin, and a Ph.D. in Social Science Comparative Education with a concentration in Race and Ethnicity at The University of California, Los Angeles. She holds a faculty appointment in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy and is a faculty affiliate for the Texas Center for Equity Promotion in the College of Education.
She has over 10 years of experience as a higher education scholar practitioner working with student success programs, undergraduate research, pre-college outreach, study abroad, Summer Bridge Programs, and Inclusive Teaching & Learning. Her research theorizes around whiteness and educational access in higher education contexts.
Dr. Guida's research agenda entails theorizing around whiteness in higher education and developing more racially and socially just campus environments. Her most recent scholarship has been featured in , Taboo: The Journal of Culture and Education, Urban Education, The Review of Higher Ed, Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, and Community College Review.
Journal Articles
Cabrera, N. L., Downey, R. J., Guida, T. F., Smith, L. L. (2022). W.A.A.C.K. C.S.P.: The tensions and overlaps between whiteness and Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. Special issue: Why Whiteness? Why Now?*
Nishi, N., Guida, T., Walker, D. (2021). Two Woke Beckys? A Fan Fiction Conversation Between Derek Bell’s White Women. Taboo: The Journal of Culture and Education, 20 (1).
Garcia-Louis, C., Saenz, V., Guida, T. (2020). How Community College Staff Inflict Pervasive Microaggressions: The Experiences of Latino Males attending Urban Community Colleges in Texas. Urban Education.*
Guida, T. (2020). Book review: Yancy, G. (2018). Backlash: What happens when we talk honestly about racism in America. Rowman & Littlefield. Interactions: UCLA Journal of Education and Information Studies.*
Miller, R. A., Guida, T., Smith, S., Ferguson, S. K., Medina, E. (2018). A balancing act: Whose interests do bias response teams serve? The Review of Higher Education 42(1), 313-337, doi:10.1353/rhe.2018.0031.*
Sáenz, V. B., García-Louis, C., Drake, A. P., & Guida, T. (2018). Leveraging their family capital: How Latino males successfully navigate the community college. Community College Review 46 (1), 40-61, doi:0091552117743567.*
Miller, R. A., Guida, T., Smith, S., Ferguson, S. K., & Medina, E. (2017). Free speech tensions: Responding to bias on college and university campuses. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 27-39, doi:10.1080/19496591.2017.1363051*
Guida, T. (2014). Outreach programs and college choice: An examination of navigating the college decision-making process from the high school to college pipeline. Aleph Journal: UCLA’s official undergraduate research journal for the humanities and social sciences, 11, 58-91.
Book Chapters
Guida, T. & Allen, E.M. (Forthcoming). Let’s talk about race: Unveiling white hypocrisy via promoting white Spaces. In Stead, V. (Ed.), Toward Abolishing White Supremacy in Higher Education: Equity in Higher Education: Theory, Policy, and Praxis. Peter Lang Publishing.*
Corces-Zimmerman, C. & Guida, T.F. (2020). White Racial Ignorance. In Tevis, T. and Foste, Z. (Eds.), Critical Whiteness Praxis in Higher Education & Student Affairs: Considerations for the Pursuit of Racial Justice on Campus. Stylus Publishing.
Corces-Zimmerman, C. and Guida, T.F. (2019). Toward a critical whiteness methodology: Challenging whiteness through qualitative research. In Tight, M and Huisman, J. (Eds.), Theory and Method in Higher Education Research, 5, 91-109. Emerald Publishing Limited. doi:10.1108/S2056375220190000005007.*
Please also see Google Scholar for updated list
- Actions that Promote Community Transformation Grant
- Faculty Innovation Center Undergraduate Teaching Grant
- NYU Steinhardt Faculty First Look Scholar
- GSAE Travel Grant, UCLA
- Dissertation Year Fellowship, UCLA
- Wasserman Dean Fellowship Award, UCLA
- SSCE Departmental Fellowship, UCLA
- Graduate Summer Research Mentorship Fellowship, UCLA
- SSCE Departmental Fellowship, UCLA
- University Fellowship, UCLA
- Fulbright English Teaching Fellow in Brazil, Dept. of State
- Wasserman Dean Fellowship Award, UCLA
- Dr. Juan Gonzalez Social Justice Award, UT-Austin
- Division of Diversity and Community Engagement Award, UT-Austin
- International Educational Fee Scholarship, UT-Austin
- Graduate School McNair Fellowship Award, UT Austin
- AERA Undergraduate Research Fellow
- Undergraduate Research Scholars Program, UCLA
- Ronald E. McNair McNair Research Scholars Fellowship, UCLA
Invited Guest Lectures/Talks
Guida, T. (June 2022). First Gen Zelebration Keynote. Invited talk for the First-Generation Graduate Student Council End of Year Celebration, The University of California Los Angeles.
Guida, T. (May 2022). Faculty Roundtable on Student as Partners Approach. Invited talk for the Students as Partners Colloquium in the Center for Teaching and Learning, The University of Texas at Austin.
Guida, T. (February 2022). Advancing Equity in the Classroom. Invited talk for the Biology Department Faculty seminar series, The University of Texas at Austin.
Guida, T. (April 2021). Diversity in Higher Education Panel. Invited Guest lecture in Dr. Jose Del Real’s “Diversity in Higher Education” course, University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign.
Guida, T. (September 2020). Whiteness and racial identity development: White undergraduate women’s experiences and perceptions of whiteness at UCLA. Invited Guest lecture in Dr. Krystle Cobian’s “Theoretical Frameworks in Student Affairs” course, Seattle University.
Guida, T. (September 2020). Critical whiteness studies, power, and reflexivity: gendered whiteness and the lived environment for white undergraduate women at UCLA. Invited Guest lecture in Dr. Haro’s “Qualitative Methods in Sociology” course, Pitzer College.
Guida, T. & Smith, S. (July 2019). Civility, Activism, and Free Speech: Free Speech tensions: Responding to Bias on College Campuses. Invited Guest lecture in Dr. Varaxy Yi Borromeo’s & Dr. Jonathan Pryor’s “Contemporary Issues in Higher Education” course, California State University, Fresno.
Guida, T. (February 2019). Critical Whiteness as a Theoretical Framework in Higher Education Research. Invited Guest lecture in Dr. Socorro Morales’s “Theoretical Frameworks in Higher education” course, UT-San Antonio.
Miller, R.A., Guida, T., Smith, S. (October 2018). Free speech tensions: Responding to bias on college campuses. Webinar presented for the American College Personnel Association (ACPA) Commission for Administrative Leadership and the ACPA Commission for Social Justice Education.
Guida, T. (August 2018). Critical Whiteness, Spatiality, and White women’s Racial Ideologies at a Historically White Institution. Invited Guest Lecture in Dr. Socorro Morales’s “Administration of Urban Multicultural Institutions” Course, UT-San Antonio.
Selected Research Presentations
Guida, T & Corces-Zimmerman, C. (April 2022). White Racial Ignorance: white lies and inverted epistemologies. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference. San Diego, California.*
Moses, M. & Guida, T. Centering Visual Methods to Improve the Study of Race and Racism in Education Research. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference. San Diego, California.*
Guida, T. (March 2022). Equitable Teaching: A Student as Partners Approach to Course Design. American Association of American Colleges & Universities Diversity, Equity and Student Support Annual Conference, New Orleans, Lousiana.
Moses, M. & Guida, T. Enhancing Higher Education’s Study of Race and Racism: The Case for Visual Methods. Paper accepted to present at the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) Annual Conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico.*
Guida, T. (November 2020). Examining Campus Ecology through Gendered Whiteness: White Undergraduate Women's Experiences with the UCLA Lived Environment. Paper presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) Annual Conference. Virtual Conference.*
Guida, T. (April 2020). Keeping Whiteness Intact: How Undergraduate white Women Make Meaning of Whiteness at UCLA. Paper was not presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference. San Francisco, California. (Conference Cancelled)*
Guida, T. and Corces-Zimmerman, C. (November 2019). Critical whiteness Methodology: Challenging whiteness through higher education research. Paper presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Conference. Portland, Oregon.*
Guida, T. & Ozias, M. (May 2019). Picturing white women on campus: Photo elicitation as a critical whiteness method. Paper presented at the Critical Race Studies In Education (CRSEA) Annual Conference. Los Angeles, California.*
Nishi, N. & Guida, T. (April 2019). Two woke becky's? A fan fiction conversation between derek bell’s white women. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference. Toronto, Canada.*
Guida, T. (May 2017). White women’s experiences: Colorblind ideologies in higher education. Paper presented at the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies Research and Inquiry annual conference. University of California, Los Angeles.*
Miller, R.A., Ferguson, S.K., Smith, S., and Guida, T., (November 2016). “We don’t train faculty”: Exploring faculty involvement with Bias Response Teams. Paper presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) Annual Conference. Colombus, Ohio.*
Miller, R.A., Guida, T., Smith, S., and Ferguson, S.K. (November 2015). Free speech tensions: Responding to bias on college campuses. Paper presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) Annual Conference. Denver, Colorado.*
Guida, T., Medina, E., Ferguson, S.K., Miller, R.A., and Smith, S. (April 2015). Understanding best practices for bias response teams on college campuses. Paper presented at the National Association for Student Affairs Professionals (NASPA) Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.*
Saenz, V., Garcia-Louis, C., Guida, T., Drake, A. (March 2015). Latino males navigating the community college environment and Family Obligations. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois.*
Miller, R.A., Guida, T., Smith, S., Medina, E., and Ferguson, S.K. (November 2014). Understanding the purposes and operations of bias response teams. Paper presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) Annual Conference. Washington D.C.*
My overarching teaching goal is to support students to develop their own understanding of the interlocking systems of privilege and oppression as an effort to continue to eradicate those structures. Guided by critical pedagogues like Paulo Freire and bell hooks as well as my professional training in critical pedagogy and Intergroup Dialogue, my teaching is grounded in two principles: guiding students to develop their critical consciousness to better analyze structures and systems of power, and deepening students’ understandings of self and others, particularly across differences. I engage these principles in my teaching via the curriculum I assign, my pedagogical approach, and the climate I cultivate in the classroom. I also have a strong interest in pushing students to learn by doing. In all of my courses, I push students through readings assigned and assignments to think about ways they can disrupt systems of oppression. Some of these assignments consist of critical reflections, student-led facilitation, and social identity autobiographies. With these particular activities, I intend to encourage students to be more critically conscious and self-aware. Students have expressed that these activities challenged them to reflect on how they can use their developing critical thinking skills to enact social change.
Instructor, College of Natural Sciences, UT-Austin
- Civil Discourse, Spring 2021, Fall 2021, Spring 2022
- DEI Concentration Capstone Course, Spring 2021, Fall 2021, Spring 2022
- Honors Seminar, Fall 2022
Instructor, Department of Education Studies, UCSD
- American Higher Education and the Collegiate Experience, Summer 2020, Summer 2022
Instructor, Child and Adolescent Development, CSUN
- Race, Ethnicity, Gender, Power, and Privilege, Spring 2020, Fall 2020, Spring 2021, Fall 2021, Spring 2022
Co-Instructor, Ronald E. McNair Scholars Program, UCLA
- Navigating the Academy for Emerging Scholars, Winter 2017, Winter 2018
- Intro to Research Methods, Spring 2017, Spring 2018
- Academic Writing Intensive, Summer 2017, Summer 2018
- Graduate Preparation Course, Summer 2019
Special Reader, Graduate School of Education & Information Studies, UCLA
- Introduction to Qualitative Methods and Design Issues in Education Research, Fall 2018
- Participant-Observation Field Methods, Winter 2019
- Qualitative Data Reduction and Analysis, Spring 2019
Facilitator, Intergroup Dialogue, UCLA
- Race, Education, and Immigration, Spring 2018
Facilitator, Brazil, J. William Fulbright English Teaching Fellowship, U.S. Department of State
- Issues of Social Justice Seminar, 2016
Teaching Assistant, UT Austin
- Beijing, China Study Abroad Trip, Social Entrepreneurship, Summer 2015
- Freshmen Signature Course, Race in the Day and Age of Obama, Fall 2015
- Cape Town, South Africa Study Abroad Trip, Urban Economic Development, Summer 2014