Alumni honored at Reception and Awards Ceremony

By Nick Nobel
October 12, 2018

On September 29, 2018, College of Pharmacy alumni, faculty, students, staff, and well-wishers met at Dover’s Dining Room at the DoubleTree Austin to honor accomplished alumni at the annual Alumni Reception and Awards Ceremony. Formerly part of the college’s homecoming festivities, the Alumni Reception and Award Ceremony was presented this year in conjunction with the 66th Annual Pharmacy Practice Seminar (PPS).

After a welcome and remarks from Assistant Dean for Development & Alumni Relations Susan Brown and Dean M. Lynn Crismon, Alumni Association President-Elect Andrew Hwang (Pharm.D. ’15) introduced the first speaker to honor the winners.

Outgoing Alumni Association President Steven Knight (Pharm.D. ’09) was awarded the Distinguished Young Alumnus Award. Connie Gelineau (Pharm.D. ’07), 2017’s recipient, presented the award to Knight.

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Steven Knight accepts this year’s Distinguished Young Alumnus Award from last year’s recipient, Connie Gelineau.

Dennis Wiesner (B.S. ’70) presented the Legend of Pharmacy Award to College of Pharmacy Professor Salomon Stavchansky, Ph.D., who gave a rousing speech in the presence of his supportive family.

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Professor Salomon Stavchansky, Ph.D. (left) accepts the Legend of Pharmacy Award from Dennis Wiesner (right).

The Sheffield Outstanding Alumnus Award went to two outstanding alumni: Sandra Guckian (B.S. ’89, M.S. ’97) and Donna Montemayor (B.S. ’88). Jeanne Waggener (B.S. ’72) presented the award.

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Jeanne Waggener (center) presents the William J. Sheffield Outstanding Alumnus Award to Sandra Guckian (left) and Donna Montemayor (right).

The evening wouldn’t have been complete without a rousing rendition of “The Eyes of Texas” led by current College of Pharmacy students in attendance.

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Steven Knight joins in during a rendition of “The Eyes of Texas.”

Congratulations to all of the deserving winners, and many thanks to everyone who made this special event possible.

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