An Exciting Announcement from Dean M. Lynn Crismon

May 14, 2020
crismon video


As our entire community steps up to the plate during these uncertain times, I wish to announce some exciting news for the UT College of Pharmacy. The university has secured an anonymous planned gift in the amount of $6 million for the benefit of the college. Though this generous estate gift will not arrive for many years, it bodes well for the future of our college and our amazing support.

These funds will be transformational for our college and provide essential additional financial resources to keep our pharmacy family thriving. Because of curriculum disruptions during the COVID-19 crisis, we have already made strategic adjustments in our college’s budget so that we can better support students.

This donation came about through the college’s Twelve in Twelve campaign, which seeks to secure twelve planned gifts over a twelve month period. A number of generous supporters have already made their planned gifts, and I encourage everyone in our community to consider pledging to the college in their estates. I have already made my pledge, and that commitment, no matter the amount, will go a long way toward maintaining our college’s financial security and providing the additional resources to support students and assure that our College of Pharmacy remains among the premier colleges of pharmacy in the United States.

I personally thank each and every one of you for everything that you do to support our college. Please have a great day, take care of yourselves and those around you. Hook ‘em Horns!

Dean Crismon's electronic signature.

M. Lynn Crismon, Pharm D.
James T. Doluisio Regents Chair and Behrens Centennial Professor

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