Explore UT 2018

By Nick Nobel
March 7, 2018
2018 explore ut teenagers
Teenagers ask current students about the College of Pharmacy’s Pharm.D. program.

Kids, parents, and members of the community came to The University of Texas at Austin on Mar. 3, 2018 to see everything the campus had to offer. People lined up in the hallway and out the door to the College of Pharmacy’s third floor walkway to learn about the college and participate in pharmacy-related events.

Activities included an Interactive Opioid Overdose Rescue Training for teens, learning about Drugs in the Pop Culture from current students in the Pharm.D. program, and the always popular Hogwarts Jungle Potions Class for all ages.

Visitors also talked to current students about their pathway to a future pharmacy career, and participated in a free health screening from Project Collaborate. Prospective students interested in application requirements and process should visit the College of Pharmacy Admissions page.

2018 explore ut hallway
The PHR hallway was dressed up for the occasion.


2018 explore ut mortar and pestle
Visitors learned about compounding practices.


2018 explore ut wizard
Even those not admitted to wizard school can learn how medicines are prepared and create pharmaceutical products during the Hogwarts Jungle Potions Class.


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