Hazel and Leslie

By Vicki Matustik
May 5, 2016

Hazel Maultsby Pipkin, B.S. ’54

hazel and leslie 1999
Hazel and Leslie 1999

Hazel Pipkin says she cannot take credit for “discovering” pharmacy as a degree program and career path. That credit belongs to her big sister, Imogene Maultsby (B.S. ‘49), who Pipkin said blazed a trail, not only for Imogene herself, but for three other women in the family: Hazel (Class of 1954), Hazel’s daughter Leslie Linn (Class of 1977), and niece Karen Reeves (Class of 1970).

“I did not consciously steer either Leslie or Karen toward pharmacy as a career,” Hazel continued. “Each made that decision without interference from either Imogene or me, but I was delighted and excited when they chose the profession that I love and that had provided such opportunity for me.”

However, despite a common profession, each followed a different career path within that profession.

“My pharmacy career started when I graduated from The University of Texas College of Pharmacy and ended when I retired from my position as a member of the college faculty. What I found was that my education at UT provided a foundation on which I could build and pursue opportunities I had never imagined: pharmacy ownership, leadership positions in various state and national organizations, and finally a position in academia.”


Leslie Pipkin Linn, B.S. ’77

hazel and leslie 2016
Hazel and Leslie 2016

“When I was growing up I never planned on going into pharmacy,” writes Leslie, “probably because I saw my mother and aunt working so hard and I didn’t think I would be able to do it.”

I was more interested in animals and attended A&M for a semester as an animal science major. However, I quickly discovered that was not what I wanted to do. I also realized that, although my mother and aunt worked long hours, often under a lot of stress, they found great satisfaction in their work and their relationships with patients. So I started thinking about pharmacy as a major.

I graduated from the UT Austin College of Pharmacy in 1977 and started working in hospital pharmacies in the San Antonio area. I stayed in hospital pharmacy for 23 years, but in 2000 I changed to mail order/PBM pharmacy where I continue to work today.

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