Join Assistant Dean of Diversity and Inclusion Skyller Walkes, Ph.D. and Russell Boyd II for an online discussion about the power of your vote. Boyd is an activist, organizer, and currently serves as the National Field Organizer with the NAACP Youth & College Division.
Know the Power of Your Vote
With Russell Boyd II and Skyller Walkes
Wednesday, September 16, 5 p.m. CT
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Russell Boyd II is an activist, organizer, and currently serves as the National Field Organizer with the NAACP Youth & College Division where he works within the Youth and College field across the country to increase membership, organize young leaders, and build collective power. He is a graduate of the College of Professional Studies at The George Washington University where he received his Master of Professional Studies in Political Management. His coursework focused on Advocacy Politics, more specifically Black voter turnout and Environmental Justice. Prior to his graduate studies, Russell received his Bachelor of Public Administration with a minor in Mass Communication from Texas State University.
Aside from his professional work, Russell is a co-host for the podcast "Sons of Baldwin," an intentional space for transformation, healing, and love for Black Mxn. Additionally, he works on various projects and initiatives aimed to bring awareness to issues affecting marginalized communities and build collective power to reimagine an equitable and truly liberated world for the people and by the people.
Topic: Know the Power of Your Vote with Russell Boyd, II
Time: Sep 16, 2020 05:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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