Statement from Dean Crismon on the death of Richard Morrisett

April 6, 2018

Dear members of the College of Pharmacy Community,

I regret to inform you that Pharmacology & Toxicology Professor Richard Morrisett has died unexpectedly. He was found in his home, and my heart goes out to his family and loved ones. I currently have no information regarding potential memorial arrangements.

Because there are likely a variety of feelings and reactions to this news, counselors from the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and the Counseling and Mental Center (CMHC) are available for faculty, staff and students in the dean’s conference room.

If you need support immediately or after hours, you can contact the EAP after-hours counseling service for faculty and staff at (512) 471-3399 or the CMHC Crisis Line for students at (512) 471-2255. If you are concerned about a student, faculty, or staff member, contact the Behavior Concerns Advice Line at (512) 232-5050.

Dean Crismon Signature





M. Lynn Crismon, Dean

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