placeholder for profile images; grey background with white outline of human head and shoulders

Jeff Becker

Administrative Affairs Manager
Lauren El-Assad wearing a suit coat.

Lauren McIlwain El-Assad, LCSW, MSSW

Assistant Director, Center for Health Interprofessional Practice and Education
placeholder for profile images; grey background with white outline of human head and shoulders

Esther Maier

Research Scientist Associate II
Research Manager
Tina Mowday smiling in an outdoor setting

Tina Mowday

Administrative Program Coordinator, Center for Health Interprofessional Practice and Education
Justin Pedigo photo

Justin Pedigo, Pharm.D.

Clinical Assistant Professor of Pharmacotherapy and Translational Sciences
Regional Director - San Antonio
Interprofessional Education Coordinator - San Antonio
Janet Walkow Profile Pic

Janet C. Walkow, Ph.D.

Clinical Professor of Molecular Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery
Executive Director & Chief Technology Officer, Innovating for Health (i4Health) Institute
Dr. Veronica Young

Veronica S. Young, Pharm.D., MPH

Clinical Professor of Pharmacy Practice
Director of Interprofessional Education and Community Engagement, College of Pharmacy
Founding Director, Center for Health Interprofessional Practice and Education, The University of Texas at Austin