Pharm.D. student receiving white coat in white coat ceremony
Become a Pharm.D.
Learn how to earn your Doctor of Pharmacy degree from one of the top pharmacy schools in the nation.
Open box of naloxone hydrochloride vials
Cutting Edge Opioid Research
See how the Pharmacy Addictions Research & Medicine (PhARM) Program provides education, research, training and resources to help address opioid overdose and use disorder.
Hand pointing to bar chart on research poster
Research and Graduate Studies
Texas Pharmacy operates longstanding and well-developed M.S. and Ph.D. graduate training programs in pharmaceutical sciences and translational sciences.
Pharmacy building surrounded by trees
The Future of Texas Pharmacy
Read more about the college’s vision for the future in our ambitious Strategic Plan for 2030.
Best Pharmacy School
U.S. News & World Report
Pharm.D. Students
Total Enrollment
Residency Match Rate
ASHP, 2024
Ph.D. and MS Students
Total Enrollment
Non-Federal Research Funding
AACP, 2021-2022
Total Research Grant Funding
AACP, 2021-2022
The University of Texas at Austin College of Pharmacy was founded in 1893 and is one of the top pharmacy schools in the nation. The college's mission is to provide exemplary education, training, research, and professional development for Pharm.D. students, graduate students and postgraduates in the pharmaceutical sciences; to advance discovery, innovation, and patient care; and to provide service to the university, professional and scientific communities, and society.