In most cases, full-time students in our graduate program receive full funding for the duration of their studies through a combination of teaching assistantships (TA), graduate research assistantships (GRA), and/or fellowships. Financial offers are made as part of the regular application review process. When applying to our program, you do not need to submit an additional application to be considered for funding.
TA and GRA positions provide a monthly salary, full-time tuition, and health insurance. The University offers a high-quality gold-level health insurance plans to its graduate student employee population.
Award Opportunities for Prospective Students
Graduate School Recruitment Fellowships
Applicants to our program may be nominated by our faculty to receive prestigious awards funded by the Graduate School including:
Donald D. Harrington Recruitment Fellowships
Graduate Advancement Fellowships
- McNair Scholars Graduate School Fellowships
- South Texas Graduate School Fellowships
- West Texas Graduate School Fellowships
- Graduate School Mentoring Fellowships
Fellowship decisions are made as part of the regular application review process. When applying to our program, you do not need to submit an additional application to be considered for fellowships.
Building Our Own Talent (BOOT) Program
In 2021, the College of Pharmacy launched the Building Our Own Talent (BOOT) program designed to provide mentoring and support for trainees associated with the college. The program and the college embrace the notion that innovation and discovery thrive in an inclusive culture that values diverse ideas. The main goal of the BOOT program is to increase the recruitment, retention and preparation of trainees from all backgrounds—for an academic career in the pharmaceutical sciences.
As part of this initiative, we have a number of funded Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) positions to support incoming students into our graduate program. These GRA positions provide a stipend of $31,218 for the first academic year plus paid tuition. Incoming students have an opportunity to apply to the program upon admission in the spring.
B. Berard Matthews Scholarship
Awarded to up to three incoming students who have earned a Pharm.D. or B.S. from an ACPE-accredited pharmacy degree program.
Graduate student applications for the B. Berard Matthews Scholarship will be sent to eligible incoming students after all admission decisions are complete in the spring.
Up to four $5,000 scholarships are available annually to candidates for admission to the Graduate Program at the University of Texas College of Pharmacy.
Applicants must be in their fourth professional year of an ACPE-accredited Pharm.D. program,
OR be graduates of an ACPE-accredited pharmacy degree program, either B.S. or Pharm.D.
Individuals applying for entry into the UT-Austin Pharmacy Graduate Program for the first time, and qualified students graduating from the masters program at UT-Austin or other U.S. Colleges of Pharmacy who wish to pursue the Ph.D. degree in Pharmacy are eligible for this program.
Establishment of Matthews Scholarship
The scholarship is made possible from a bequest from the estate of Maebess Matthews, a UT Business School graduate who worked for the UT System for 42 years before retiring in 1976. Provisions of her will established three scholarships at UT Austin – one in the College of Nursing, one in the College of Business, and one at the College of Pharmacy. The gift to the College of Pharmacy honors her father, B. Berard Matthews.

Award Spotlight: B. Berard Matthews Scholarship
Graduate student applications for the B. Berard Matthews Scholarship will be sent to eligible incoming students after all admission decisions are complete.
Up to four $5,000 scholarships are available annually to candidates for admission to the Graduate Program at the University of Texas College of Pharmacy.
Applicants must be in their fourth professional year of an ACPE-accredited Pharm.D. program,
OR be graduates of an ACPE-accredited pharmacy degree program, either B.S. or Pharm.D.
Individuals applying for entry into the UT-Austin Pharmacy Graduate Program for the first time, and qualified students graduating from the masters program at UT-Austin or other U.S. Colleges of Pharmacy who wish to pursue the Ph.D. degree in Pharmacy are eligible for this program.
Establishment of Matthews Scholarship
The scholarship is made possible from a bequest from the estate of Maebess Matthews, a UT Business School graduate who worked for the UT System for 42 years before retiring in 1976. Provisions of her will established three scholarships at UT Austin – one in the College of Nursing, one in the College of Business, and one at the College of Pharmacy. The gift to the College of Pharmacy honors her father, B. Berard Matthews.
Award Opportunities for Current Students
Endowed Graduate Fellowships
Eligibility Requirements
Eligibility varies according to specific awards. Students must be registered for classes in the semester the fellowship is awarded.
- American Pharmacies Fellowship in Independent Pharmacy Management
- Duane A. Boyle Fellowship in Pharmaceutics
- Max and Mary Anne Burlage Fellowship
- Dr. Michael and Carrie Crowley and Dr. Jason and Maggie Vaughn Graduate Fellowship
- Carl and Eunice Erickson Graduate Endowment
- Josefina Lesvia Falcon Graduate Fellowship Fund
- Johnson & Johnson Endowed Graduate Fellowship in Pharmacy
- Dr. James W. McGinity Graduate Endowment in Pharmaceutics
- Pharmacy Administration Graduate Student Endowment
- F. Dewitt Reed Graduate Fellowship in Chemical Biology & Medicinal Chemistry
- Schering-Plough Research Institute Graduate Fellowship
- Dr. Elaine S. Waller Graduate Endowment
- Dr. Bill and Jill Williams and Dr. Jim and Kitty McGinity Graduate Fellowship
- Dr. Robert J. Wills Graduate Fellowship Endowment
- Dr. Feng Zhang and Dr. James McGinity Graduate Fellowship
Applying for Awards
1. A general call for submissions will go out in mid-spring for the following academic year.
2. The application will require a curriculum vita (CV).
A CV is a detailed but brief description of your research goals and a timeline for completion, and it must be accompanied by two letters of recommendation.
Selection Process
1. Fellowship recipients are selected by the College of Pharmacy Graduate Financial Aid Committee, and all decisions are final.
2. Selection may be based on financial need, academic achievement, extracurricular activities, and/or other criteria.
3. Several factors are taken into consideration including, but not limited to, the following:
- Anticipated graduation date
- Academic achievement
- Personal statement
- Involvement in student organizations within the college and/or university
- Research
- Estimated income and expenses
- Unmet need as determined by the Office of Student Financial Services.
Award Process
1. Recipients are notified of selection in late spring.
2. Disbursements vary according to the type and amount of award and will be outlined in the notification letter.
3. Thank you letters are required for all recipients. The award letter will give instructions for sending thank you letters.
Graduate School Awards and Fellowships
The Graduate School coordinates several award and fellowship programs for enrolled students. Students are nominated by members of the College of Pharmacy faculty. Once the announcement for submissions is made, faculty should direct their nominations to the graduate coordinator. For more details, please follow the links below to the Graduate School’s website.