Division News & Events - Pharmacology and Toxicology

What Starts Here Changes the World

Fostering relationships between faculty, staff, and students is an important priority for the Division of Pharmacology and Toxicology. We value a culture of acceptance and support and want all Division members to feel welcomed and appreciated.

And, we like to have fun! Several social events are held during the year. 

View Division Social Calendar

Dr. John DiGiovanni and band playing at event

Division Social Events

The Pharmacology and Toxicology Social and Outreach committee comprised of students and staff organizes social and outreach events to allow their members to connect and to give back to the community at large.  Division community members are invited to join us at the following events (details in calendar).

End-of-Year Pool Party

PharmTox graduate students playing volleyball in a swimming pool

Pool party at Gregory Gym to celebrate the end of the academic year. Good food and good times.

New Student Welcome

PharmTox graduate students smiling at a bowling alley

Current students welcomed first-year students at the bowling alley at the Union Underground.

Monthly Outreach at Lee Elementary

PharmTox graduate student making 'lunch and learn' presentation at Lee Elementary School

Graduate students presented their science to 5th graders at Austin’s Lee Elementary.

PharmTox Meet & Greet

PharmTox staff and students at the division Meet and Greet event

PharmTox members mingled and enjoyed great food, fun activities, and excellent company at the 6th annual Meet & Greet on October 17.

Coffee/Tacos With Colleagues

PharmTox graduate students standing in a group, drinking coffee and giving the 'thumbs up' sign

On October 31 in two locations (PHR Courtyard and DPRI), we enjoyed delicious fall snacks as we carved and painted pumpkins! 

Annual Thanksgiving Potluck

PharmTox graduate students making cards at a Thanksgiving potluck event

PharmTox members shared their favorite dishes at our annual Thanksgiving potluck. We also be made blankets and cards for local charities.

Upcoming Seminars

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Date and Time - End
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Stacked logo with words 'Texas Pharmacy' on burnt orange and white background
Event Status
Thursday March 27, 2025, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Location: Austin
Richard Ortega, Ph.D., CNRS Research Director, University of Bordeaux in BME 3.204
A woman in front of a research poster.
Event Status
Tuesday April 8, 2025, 9:30 am - 4:00 pm
Location: Austin
The 21st Annual Louis C. Littlefield Celebrating Pharmacy Research Excellence Day highlights the accomplishments of College of Pharmacy researchers at all levels: undergraduate, Pharm.D. and graduate students, postdoctoral fellows & residents, as well as research staff and faculty.
Stacked logo with words 'Texas Pharmacy' on burnt orange and white background
Event Status
Thursday April 24, 2025, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Location: Austin
Jason Cannon, Ph.D., Professor and Acting Head, School of Health Sciences, Purdue University in BME 3.204

Division News

What starts here changes the world. To see how our Division does its part, please view the articles below.

Hilz a Phase 2 Winner of HHS Research Competition

Someone in a lab white coat looking at a small test tube.
Oct. 25, 2024
Postdoctoral researcher in the Gore Lab Dr. Emily Hilz is a Phase 2 winner of a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services competition to reduce Black women’s risk of exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Hilz’s winning program created Endoscreen, a mobile phone application to increase awareness of and reduce exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals in personal care products.

Vasquez Publishes Study in Nature Communications

A double helix of DNA with hotspots.
Aug. 7, 2024
Division Head and Professor of Pharmacology & Toxicology and Doluisio Regents Professor Karen Vasquez, Ph.D. recently published an article in Nature Communications. The study, titled “Obesity increases genomic instability at DNA repeat-mediated endogenous mutation hotspots,” represents the first demonstration that obesity increases genetic instability at alternative DNA structures (in this case H-DNA), which are hotspots for mutations in human cancers.

Manganese-Induced Parkinsonism Research Provides Potential Treatment Option

Dr. Mukhopadhyay wearing a collared shirt and smiling.
June 28, 2024
In a recent article in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), ongoing research into the causes of manganese-induced parkinsonism has revealed a possible treatment option. Dr. Somshuvra Mukhopadhyay and a team of researchers have released new findings that the PHD2 inhibitor, which is the cell’s master oxygen sensor, has a second physiologically essential function – to also act as the cell’s manganese sensor.