Dr. Tonia Guida smiling while wearing a suit coat.

Tonia Guida, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Instruction
Patricia Gutierrez wearing pearls and glasses.

Patricia Gutierrez

Academic Advising Coordinator
Jay Hamman Profile Pic

Jay Hamman

Development Researcher, Learning Resource Center
Katie Hartel smiling in the Pharmacy building

Kathryn Hartel

Executive Assistant to the Dean
Lisa Hemphill

Lisa Hemphill, M.S.Ed., CPhT

Experiential Education Program Coordinator
LaKesha Henry smiling while wearing a suit and bowtie.

LaKesha Henry, M.A., CRA

Senior Grants and Contracts Specialist
Travis Henry

Travis Henry

Senior Alumni Relations Program Coordinator
Troy Holbritter smiling and wearing checkered blazer

Troy Holbritter

Senior Projects Coordinator, TxCORE and Health Outcomes Division
Katelyn Houchin smiling in the Pharmacy building

Katelyn Houchin

Events and Logistics Coordinator
Brynn Huysman smiling in the Pharmacy building

Brynn Huysman

Senior Director of Development, Principal Gifts and Corporate & Foundation Relations
photo of Michael Johnsrud

Michael Johnsrud, Ph.D., R.Ph.

Senior Research Scientist
TxCORE Executive Director
Selina Keilani wearing pearls and a suit jacket.

Selina Keilani, M.A., MBA

Director of Business and Finance
Mona Keshavarzi smiling in front of a green background

Mona Keshavarzi

Senior Research Program Coordinator, Pharmacy Addictions Research & Medicine Program
Barbara King Profile Pic

Barbara King

Administrative Associate, Office of the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies
Janet Larsen wearing glasses and a necklace.

Janet Larsen

Administrative Manager, Dean’s Office and Office of Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Michelle Lee wearing glasses and smiling.

Michelle Lee

Senior Research Program Coordinator, The Center for Molecular Carcinogenesis & Toxicology and Training Grant
Christopher Lizardi Clemente a polo shirt and smiling.

Christopher Lizardi Clemente

Audio Visual Systems Support Technician
placeholder for profile images; grey background with white outline of human head and shoulders

Esther Maier

Research Scientist Associate II
Research Manager
placeholder for profile images; grey background with white outline of human head and shoulders

Mariana Medina

Digital Media and Marketing Coordinator
Keyanna Millinger Killebrew

Keyanna Millinger-Killebrew

Administrative Program Coordinator
Abby Moore smiling in the Pharmacy building

Abby Moore

Development Specialist
Tina Mowday smiling in an outdoor setting

Tina Mowday

Administrative Program Coordinator, Center for Health Interprofessional Practice and Education
Molly Nichols smiling in an outdoor setting

Molly Nichols, Pharm.D., MS, MATS

Curriculum Specialist, Pharmacy Addictions Research & Medicine Program
Nick Nobel

Nick Nobel

Director of Communications and Marketing
Sara Piety smiling in the Pharmacy building

Sara Piety

Director of Development, Major and Principal Gifts