Cene Abroms wearing earrings and a necklace.

Cené Abroms

Administrative Associate
Renee' Acosta

W. Renée Acosta, R.Ph., M.S.

Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Clinical Professor of Pharmacy Practice
Provost’s Teaching Fellow
Health IPE Fellow
Fellow of SmithKline Centennial Professorship in Pharmacy
Guillermo Alvarado wearing a patterned shirt and glasses.

Guillermo Alvarado

Senior Student Program Coordinator
Brian Becker smiling in the Pharmacy building

Brian Becker

Senior Recruitment and Admissions Coordinator
placeholder for profile images; grey background with white outline of human head and shoulders

Jeff Becker

Administrative Affairs Manager
Sherrie Bendele wearing glasses and smiling.

Sherrie Bendele

Senior Experiential Education Coordinator
A woman smiling.

Rucha Bond, Pharm.D., Ed.D.

Assistant Dean for Experiential Education
Clinical Professor of Pharmacy Practice
placeholder for profile images; grey background with white outline of human head and shoulders

Samantha Brenner

Administrative Associate

Administrative and office management. LRC Library Manager. Special projects.

Greg Caldera wearing a suit, checkered tie and glasses.

Gregory Caldera

Director of Admissions & Student Services
Carrie Cunningham smiling in the Pharmacy building

Carrie Cunningham, M.Ed.

Assistant Dean for Administration and Business
organization placeholder image showing white organizational chart on grey background

Dean’s Office

College Office
placeholder for profile images; grey background with white outline of human head and shoulders

Jeannie Dillon

Senior Administrative Associate
Lauren El-Assad wearing a suit coat.

Lauren McIlwain El-Assad, LCSW, MSSW

Assistant Director, Center for Health Interprofessional Practice and Education
Dr. Diane Ginsburg smiling in an outdoor setting

Diane B. Ginsburg, Ph.D., M.S., R.Ph., FASHP, DASPL

Associate Dean for Healthcare Partnerships
Clinical Professor of Pharmacy Practice
G.D. Searle & Company Endowed Fellow in Pharmacy
Provost’s Distinguished Leadership & Service Academy Professor
Oliver Gomez

Oliver Gomez

Director, Information Technology
Charles Guajardo Profile Pic

Charles Guajardo

Systems Administrator II, Learning Resource Center
Patricia Gutierrez wearing pearls and glasses.

Patricia Gutierrez

Academic Advising Coordinator
Jay Hamman Profile Pic

Jay Hamman

Development Researcher, Learning Resource Center
Katie Hartel smiling in the Pharmacy building

Kathryn Hartel

Executive Assistant to the Dean
Lisa Hemphill

Lisa Hemphill, M.S.Ed., CPhT

Experiential Education Program Coordinator
Katelyn Houchin smiling in the Pharmacy building

Katelyn Houchin

Events and Logistics Coordinator
Janet Larsen wearing glasses and a necklace.

Janet Larsen

Administrative Manager, Dean’s Office and Office of Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
help icon of gear and hand

Learning Resource Center (LRC)

College Office

The LRC provides IT services and support to the College of Pharmacy, including computer management, classroom/AV technology, videoconferencing, lecture capture, networking, VoIP, procurement, and security.

Christopher Lizardi Clemente a polo shirt and smiling.

Christopher Lizardi Clemente

Audio Visual Systems Support Technician
Keyanna Millinger Killebrew

Keyanna Millinger-Killebrew

Administrative Program Coordinator