TxCORE is made up of an interdisciplinary team of researchers, with expertise in health outcomes research, pharmacoeconomics, epidemiology, public health, and patient health behavior.

TxCORE has experience in:
Examining medication and other health care services use in large populations
Developing and evaluating novel approaches to patient-centered care
Developing tools for patients and providers to enhance patient care
Developing new research and analytic methods
Designing and evaluating health care and educational interventions
CORE Research Areas of Expertise
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research
- Health Disparities and Health Equity
- Social Determinants of Health
- Patient-Reported Outcomes
Healthcare Systems Research
- Pharmacist Services Assessment
- Innovative Models of Care Delivery and Payment
- Program Implementation and Evaluation Science
Health Economics and Outcomes Research
- Real-World Evidence Generation
- Value Assessment
- Advanced Analytics and Visualization
TxCORE Leadership

Executive Director: Michael Johnsrud, Ph.D.
Directors: Jamie Barner, Ph.D.; Carolyn Brown, Ph.D.
Associate Directors: Leticia Moczygemba, Ph.D.; Kristin Richards, Ph.D.
About TxCORE
TxCORE Mission
Our mission is to be a leader in addressing population and individual patient health through innovative, high-quality research and education, and to serve our community by responding to critical health care issues that impact patients’ daily lives.
TxCORE Vision
INNOVATE — conduct innovative high-quality research
IMPROVE — improve individual patient health and population health
INFORM — provide solutions and education
Support TxCORE
TxCORE can most effectively achieve its mission with financial contributions from supporters and friends. Gifts to TxCORE are critical to ensuring we continue to respond to critical health care issues that impact patients' daily lives.
TxCORE is associated with the Health Outcomes Division at the UT Austin College of Pharmacy.