"Since deciding to apply to pharmacy school, my vision and professional goals have been centered around assisting my community on the border of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, and El Paso, Texas. I focused on providing care to patients in a language they understood, as I saw firsthand how this barrier caused many El Paso residents to cross the border for healthcare. I applied to Pharmobility with the hope of learning how pharmacists assist patients with language barriers, considering Barcelona, Spain, is a major tourist destination. While I did gain valuable tools and methods, I did not anticipate the significant professional and personal growth I would achieve.
At the Universitat de Barcelona, I was encouraged to learn beyond pharmacy and embrace the Catalan culture through its people and traditions. I was exposed to the major pillars of pharmacy—community, clinical, and industry—from a Spanish perspective. More importantly, I collaborated with amazing teams, mentors, and peers who helped me truly embrace the Catalan lifestyle and healthcare system. This rotation can be molded to fit what a student hopes to gain from it. For me, it was an opportunity to grow personally and professionally, becoming a more adaptable, resilient, and collaborative pharmacist, whether in the United States or across the world in the Mediterranean."
– Victor Alfonzo Herrera, Pharm.D. Class of 2025
Program Overview

The UT-Pharmobility international exchange program provides an opportunity for international exchange of pharmacy students (US <-> Europe, US <-> Australia) to enhance cooperation and understanding of the similarities and differences in pharmacy education, research, and practice.
In addition, the program offers an opportunity for our P4 students to study abroad for a summer APPE rotation in a structured program designed to enhance student development and meet the student’s specific professional (pharmacy) interests. International education through exchange programs is now a major emphasis of the University.
Exchange Locations

European partners are University of Bath in the United Kingdom and University of Barcelona in Spain. Each of these Universities also sends us their students during the academic year on this official reciprocal exchange program. Australian partners include the University of Sydney in Sydney, Australia.
We continue to work with other international universities and TEXAS Global to add additional exchanges.
Program Details
How is the program funded?
The program is funded with College Special Funding from the Matthew’s Endowment Travel Stipends to support your travel (provided before departure). Generally, each of our exchange students will be funded with this stipend. The amount of the stipend is contingent on number of students participating and availability.
What is my student status while traveling?
Students in the Pharmobility Program must be officially enrolled at the University of Texas at Austin. This is accomplished for our P4 students by registering for your first (elective) APPE to cover the summer you are abroad. Students must be in good academic standing to participate.
When would I go during the upcoming program year?
- P4 (current P3’s): Summer of your P4 year. Rotation block 1 will be OFF with Rotation block 2 scheduled as an APPE Elective since the experience is 6-10 weeks. Please plan ahead for this.
- You are registered as UT students, not registered at the host institution.
- University arrangements for the Pharmobility Program (once you are selected) are now made through the TEXAS Global Office.
What are the experiences provided by the Pharmobility Partners?
University of Bath, England
The program at Bath, coordinated by Dr. Andrew Thompson, is a research-based experience. Typically, the student will spend most time at the University in a wet lab conducting research. There is typically a comparison of practices between the UK and the US. Students who apply should have an interest in the pharmaceutical industry, research, and have plans to pursue post-graduate education and training.
University of Barcelona, Spain
Students participating with Barcelona, coordinated by Dr. Cecilia Fernandez-Lastra, typically includes a variety of experiences where the students spend time in community practice, hospital practice, and time at the University. A conversational level in Spanish is required. Most of the people who live in Barcelona are bilingual and speak Catalan and Spanish. There is typically a comparison of practices between Spain and the US. Students who apply should have a strong interest in clinical practice.
The University of Sydney, Australia
The program at Sydney, coordinated by Dr. Jonathan Penm, is a research-based experience. Typically, the student will spend most time at the University conducting research on medication safety, with a focus on opioids and/or transitions of care. Opportunities will be organized to observe pharmacy practice in Australia. Students who apply should have an interest in clinical practice research and publishing their research.
How many students have participated in Pharmobility?
Europe to the UT College of Pharmacy:
- 1 student each year in 2001, 2002, and 2004
- 2 students each year in 2006 and 2007
- 3 students each year in 2003, 2005, and 2011
- 4 students each year in 2008, 2010, 2012
- 5 students each in 2009
- 6 students each year in 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015
- 5 students in 2015
- 8 students in 2016
- 2 students in 2017
- 2 students in 2018
- 1 student in 2019
- 3 students in 2023
- 4 students in 2024
UT College of Pharmacy to Europe:
- 1 student each year in 2004
- 3 students each year in 2005, and 2006
- 4 students each year in 2007, 2008, 2011
- 5 students each year in 2003, 2009, 2010
- 6 students each year in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016
- 4 students in 2017
- 6 students in 2018
- 4 students in 2019
- 4 students in 2023
- 4 students in 2024
How do I apply? What happens next?
The application cycle for Summer 2024 is open!
- Apply here. Deadline to apply is October 15th of the P3 year.
- Be as complete and specific as possible as to the type of experience you want to have and how it will impact your future practice. Please do not contact our Pharmobility partners at this point as they find it confusing (they don't know if you have been selected for the program or not). If you need University-specific information, contact pharmexperiential@austin.utexas.edu.
- We and our Exchange Partners will review all applications. If you are “Approved to Proceed,” you will be notified. Coordinators in Europe and Australia contact students and help you start making appropriate arrangements.
- International paperwork (e.g. visa and all UT requirements) is started and completed through TEXAS Global.
- Final assessment of language skills will occur (if necessary) to ensure a sufficient level of fluency.
How do I complete the experience?
All policies and procedures for an APPE apply. The student must complete all APPE requirements for an Elective and must be registered with UT for an APPE Elective. In order to successfully complete the Pharmobility APPE, the student must complete the following:
- Complete APPE Student Pre-Rotation: Interests, Goals, & Information
- UT mentor/preceptor with review in CORE ELMS.
- Student should email a copy to global preceptor.
- Complete virtual meeting with UT preceptor at beginning, midpoint, and final of APPE.
- Complete all required evaluations for an Elective APPE in CORE ELMS.
- Submit a 1-2 page written report on experience:
- Patient interactions (if applicable)
- Research (if applicable)
- Projects/Assignments (if applicable)
- Impressions of culture (required)
- Similarities/Differences in healthcare compared to U.S. (required)
- Required to complete the “Description of preceptor/site” in CORE ELMS: Write a one or two paragraph testimonial to provide information about the experience to future students.
- Be available for P3 Admin Session (if possible) to share about experience.
Hear from previous students’ experiences!
"At the Universitat de Barcelona, I was encouraged to learn beyond pharmacy and embrace the Catalan culture through its people and traditions. I was exposed to the major pillars of pharmacy—community, clinical, and industry—from a Spanish perspective. More importantly, I collaborated with amazing teams, mentors, and peers who helped me truly embrace the Catalan lifestyle and healthcare system. This rotation can be molded to fit what a student hopes to gain from it. For me, it was an opportunity to grow personally and professionally, becoming a more adaptable, resilient, and collaborative pharmacist, whether in the United States or across the world in the Mediterranean."
- Victor Alfonzo Herrera, Pharm.D. Class of 2025
"The Bath Pharmobility experience was an amazing way to step outside my comfort zone and learn about pharmacy practice in the UK. The main part of the rotation is organic chemistry research, but the professors teach you a lot about the pharmacy program in Bath. While I loved dusting the cobwebs off my old chemistry knowledge, my favorite part of the experience was exploring the differences between pharmacists in the UK and the US. This is a great rotation if you’re interested in research or working abroad after graduation."
- Grace Clark, Pharm.D. Class of 2025
“The experiences I had during this Pharmobility rotation have allowed for me to realize that patient care can take many forms. I will take what I have learned here in Barcelona and use it to better my role as a pharmacist so my future patients may have the best patient-care possible.”
– Mina El-Sharif, Pharm.D. Class of 2024
“My 6-week APPE in Barcelona, Spain, was an unforgettable journey of personal and professional growth. Immersed in the vibrant culture, I had the privilege of experiencing the Spanish healthcare system firsthand and understanding how pharmacy practice works in a different country in comparison to the United States.”
– Natasha Wang, Pharm.D. Class of 2024
“My dream of being in the Pharmobility program was everything and then some, and I look forward to advocating for pharmacy students to apply for this unique experience. The international lessons gained in and out of the University of Bath are invaluable for anyone pursing a pharmacist role.”
– Javier Granados, Pharm.D. Class of 2024
“Being within the UK has shown me how much the US has to grow in terms of trusting pharmacists with more responsibilities and opportunities. I am very excited to see what the future has in store for the US. This experience has consistently reminded me of how important it is to advocate for the future of our profession. Throughout my career, I hope to continue being part of and learn from different avenues of pharmacy across the world to grow within my own professional development.”
– Nicole Aldover, Pharm.D. Class of 2024
For More Information
For further information about the Pharmobility Program, please send questions to the Pharm.D. Experiential Education office.
Program Director
Diane B. Ginsburg, Ph.D., M.S., R.Ph., FASHP, DASPL
Associate Dean for Healthcare PartnershipsClinical Professor of Pharmacy PracticeG.D. Searle & Company Endowed Fellow in PharmacyProvost’s Distinguished Leadership & Service Academy Professor
Experiential Education Coordinator
Lisa Hemphill, M.S.Ed., CPhT
Experiential Education Program Coordinator