Looking for a career in the health professions? Come learn about a future in pharmacy!
Pharmacy is a well-rounded profession, blending science, health care, direct patient contact, computer technology, and business.
Ranked 6th in the country, come see how our College of Pharmacy is changing the world through health care. Sessions are open to prospective students of all ages and educational backgrounds.
Meet Us
Our students are what make the College of Pharmacy great! Learn more about our “Pharmacy Ambassadors” and ask them about their Texas Pharmacy experience. They are eager to connect with you.
Email our Pharmacy Ambassadors to learn more about our program.
Information Sessions
The College of Pharmacy is hosting virtual information sessions for interested high school students. Each 60-minute session will include admissions representatives and Pharmacy Ambassadors.
Upcoming Events
College of Pharmacy Admissions Office
The University of Texas at Austin
PHR 5.112
2409 University Ave., Stop A1900
Austin, TX 78712-01200

Paid hourly parking available at 27th Street Garage