As one of the leading academic providers of continuing pharmacy education, The Continuing Pharmacy Education Office at The University of Texas at Austin College of Pharmacy (UT CPE) continuously collaborates with highly esteemed presenters from all across the nation to produce continuing pharmacy education activities that are both exceptional and impactful. This information below concisely outlines strategies for developing CPE activities that will meet the very high standards and expectations set forth by UT CPE audiences. Please contact UT CPE with any questions.
Presentation Preparation
Presentation Title & Learning Objectives
Presentation titles and learning objectives are developed for speakers by UT CPE and planning committee members, specifically to address the knowledge/practice gaps that have been identified through a multi-step needs assessment process.
Please consult with UT CPE prior to presentation development if you wish to modify this information, to ensure your edited title/objectives will still meet the identified knowledge/practice gaps. For more guidance on developing effective learning objectives that fit the desired level of learning, see Additional Resources – Developing Learning Objectives.
Slide Format
Slide 1: Presentation Title & Presenter Title/Credentials
Slide 2: Financial Disclosure
Slide 3: List Learning Objectives
Segment 1: Address 1 to 2 Objectives + Recap Key Points + Active Learning Exercise
Segment 2: Address 1 to 2 Objectives + Recap Key Points + Active Learning Exercise
Continue adding segments until ALL learning objectives have been addressed.
Last Slide: Overall Summary Points/Clinical Pearls
End with Q/A session: IMPORTANT to reserve at least 10 minutes for Q/A
* Presentation slides are required for ACPE accreditation and should be formatted as described above. Please contact UT CPE if you wish to use something other than a slide presentation for your educational materials.
Presentation Delivery
Please plan to deliver content in smaller segments (see below). This delivery format improves learner engagement and is also preferred by learners.
Format each segment as follows:
- Spend 10-15 minutes addressing one or two learning objectives.
- Recap the “key points” that have been addressed in the segment.
- End each segment with an active learning question to assess learners’ understanding of the objective(s) that you addressed.
- Repeat the above format for EACH segment until all objectives have been addressed
Presentation Review
Presentations must be submitted by the due date** designated in the Speaker Invitation Packet to allow enough time for peer-review.
Reviewers will ensure the following:
- Slides 1, 2, 3 appear exactly as described in Slide Format
- Active learning exercise(s) are included in the presentation slides
- Content is valid, unbiased, and evidence-based (references are included)
- All objectives are addressed, and the quantity of content is reasonable for the time allotment
∗∗ If a presentation is not submitted by the designated due date, UT CPE reserves the right to adjust the presenter’s honorarium and/or the ACPE accreditation.
Active Learning Requirement
If a presentation does not include active learning questions, UT CPE will contact the speaker to coordinate the addition of questions to their slides.
Education That Supports Pharmacy Practice
Presenters are encouraged to develop content that prepares pharmacists for the delivery of patient-centered collaborative care as depicted below.

Evidence-Based and Unbiased
Disclosure of Financial Relationships:
Presenters are expected to disclose financial relationships that are relevant to their activity content by completing the Financial Disclosure Form provided in their invitation packet.
Presenters must also list their financial disclosures at the start of their slide presentation (see Slide Format). If a presenter does not have any financial disclosures, they must state as such.
Conflicts of Interest & Resolution Process:
UT CPE reviews financial disclosures for conflict of interest.
If a conflict of interest exists, UT CPE staff or peer reviewer will review the content and work with presenter to resolve the conflict prior to the activity.
Unbiased & Evidence-Based Presentations:
Presentation slides must be non-promotional and use generic names of medications.
If the trade name of a medication must be used for the sake of educational purposes, the equivalent generic(s) must also be named alongside the trade name.
Presenters must base content on the best available evidence and state references.
Video Recording
UT CPE activities will be video-recorded for on-demand learning. Presentations delivered during live events will be recorded as the presenter delivers the presentation to the audience, whether in-person in front of an audience or virtually via videoconferencing. Other presentations may be recorded in a studio environment, on UT campus/College of Pharmacy, in a practice environment to demonstrate or simulate practice scenarios, or virtually from the presenter’s home or office environment. UT CPE staff will determine the recording environment for each presentation.
Live In-Person Recordings
Detailed instructions will be provided by UT CPE staff closer to the event.
Home/Office Virtual Recordings
Please view the following demonstration video to walk through the steps to prepare your home environment for optimal Zoom recording.
Additional Information
Activity Details:
- Typically, UT CPE in-person conferences are set up in a traditional lecture format, in a large classroom setting.
- Audiences range from 100 to 500 participants.
- The use of presentation slides is expected.
- All presentations are recorded, whether they are delivered in-person or virtually via webinar.
- Presentations must be broken up into smaller segments that are easier to digest (see Presentation Delivery).
- Activity Evaluation: Participants will complete online evaluations following each CPE activity. UT CPE will summarize evaluation data and share feedback with speakers.
Question & Answer Sessions:
- During live presentations, it is very IMPORTANT to reserve at least 10 minutes of your time block to answer questions from the audience.
- Participant feedback indicates that the Q/A session is one of the most effective learning components of a CPE activity.
We Welcome New Activity Ideas!
UT CPE is open to collaboration on new activity ideas/formats. Please reach out if you have a project that needs ACPE accreditation, would benefit from project management/coordination, and/or you are in search for a collaborative partner to submit requests for grant funding.
Questions? Contact UT CPE
Glen Baumgart, Ph.D.
Jody Michael Curtis
Continuing Education Program Coordinator
Mariana Medina
Digital Media and Marketing Coordinator
Email: mariana.medina@austin.utexas.edu

The University of Texas at Austin College of Pharmacy is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education.