Kristin Richards

Kristin M. Richards, Ph.D., R.Ph.

Senior Research Scientist
TxCORE Associate Director
Charles Rickman

Charlie Rickman

Senior Media Support Technician
Dr. Rochelle Roberts

Rochelle Roberts, Ph.D.

Director of Assessment
Assistant Professor of Instruction
Cathy Rodriguez wearing a necklace and smiling.

Catherine Rodriguez

Administrative Program and Division Coordinator, Chemical Biology & Medicinal Chemistry
Monica Rodriguez headshot photo

Monica Rodriguez

Academic Program Coordinator
Chris Roscoe wearing a striped collared shirt and smiling.

Christopher Roscoe

Building Manager
Johnny Salinas photo

Johnny Salinas

Administrative Program and Division Coordinator, Pharmacotherapy
Dr. Justin Samuel

Justin Samuel, Ph.D.

Assistant Dean for Student Affairs
Assistant Professor of Practice
Rebecca Schwarz wearing earrings and a checkered scarf and smiling.

Rebecca Schwarz

Administrative Program and Division Coordinator, Molecular Pharmaceutics & Drug Delivery
Herman Schwarzer Profile Pic

Herman Schwarzer IV

Purchasing Associate, Business Office
Steph Scott wearing tortoiseshell glasses and smiling.

Stephanie Scott

Senior Administrative Associate, Pharmacology & Toxicology
Daniel Sledge smiling and wearing a shirt and tie

Daniel Sledge

Academic Detailer, Pharmacy Addictions Research & Medicine Program
Yongchao Su

Yongchao Su, Ph.D.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Molecular Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery
Cristina Tejeda

Cristina Tejeda

Administrative Program and Division Coordinator, Health Outcomes
Andres Temblador wearing a suit, tie and glasses.

Andres Temblador

Senior Research Program Coordinator, Pharmacy Addictions Research & Medicine Program
placeholder for profile images; grey background with white outline of human head and shoulders

Sarah Thoorens

Software Developer
Nicole Toomey wearing earrings and a sleeveless top and smiling.

Nicole Toomey

Director of Faculty Support & Administrative Services
Katie Traughber wearing a necklace and smiling.

Katie Traughber

Administrative Manager & Graduate Program Coordinator
Alyssa Trudeau

Alyssa Trudeau

Communications Coordinator
Andrew VanVoorhees

Andrew VanVoorhees

Senior Desktop Support Specialist
Shannon Vincent

Shannon Vincent

Senior Administrative Associate, Business Office
Dr. Nishi Viswanathan

Nishi Viswanathan, M.B.B.S., M.A., MBA

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Molecular Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery