Dr. Anton Avancena wearing a suit jacket and glasses and smiling.

Anton L.V. Avanceña, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Health Outcomes
Dr. Jamie Barner

Jamie C. Barner, Ph.D., FAACP, FAPhA

Division Head and Professor of Health Outcomes
Clifford L. Klinck, Jr. Centennial Professor
Southwestern Drug Corporation Centennial Endowed Fellow in Pharmacy (Graduate Mentor of the Year Award)
Carolyn Brown

Carolyn M. Brown, Ph.D., FAPhA

Professor of Health Outcomes
Henry M. Burlage Centennial Endowed Professor
Distinguished Service Professor
Health Outcomes Division Graduate Advisor
Co-Director | Texas Center for Health Outcomes Research and Education (TxCORE)
Kevin Dalby Profile Pic

Kevin Dalby, Ph.D.

Professor of Chemical Biology & Medicinal Chemistry
Johnson & Johnson Centennial Professor in Pharmacy
Research Service Core
pat davis profile pic

Patrick J. Davis, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus of Chemical Biology & Medicinal Chemistry
Eckerd Centennial Professor Emeritus
University Distinguished Teaching Professor
UT System Academy of Distinguished Teachers
Juan Guan smiling in the Pharmacy building

Juan Guan, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Chemical Biology & Medicinal Chemistry
Dr Hyeun Ah Kang

Hyeun Ah Kang, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Health Outcomes
Dr. Tamer Kaoud

Tamer Kaoud, Ph.D.

Research Assistant Professor of Chemical Biology & Medicinal Chemistry
Dr. John Kozarich

John W. Kozarich, Ph.D.

Adjunct Professor of Chemical Biology and Medicinal Chemistry
Dr. Kenneth Lawson

Kenneth A. Lawson, Ph.D., FAPhA

Professor Emeritus of Health Outcomes
SmithKline Centennial Professor Emeritus
Dr. Seongmin Lee wearing a suit, tie and glasses.

Seongmin Lee, Ph.D.

Professor of Chemical Biology & Medicinal Chemistry
Alan W. Hamm Centennial Fellow in Pharmacy
Dr. Hung-wen (Ben) Liu

Hung-wen (Ben) Liu, Ph.D.

Professor of Chemical Biology & Medicinal Chemistry
George H. Hitchings Regents Chair in Drug Design
Dr. Tish Moczygemba

Leticia R. Moczygemba, Pharm.D., Ph.D., FAPhA

Professor of Health Outcomes
Fellow of Doluisio Regents Professorship
Dr. Chanhyun Park

Chanhyun Park, Ph.D., M.Pharm., M.Ed., R.Ph.

Assistant Professor of Health Outcomes
Karen Rascati Profile Pic

Karen Rascati, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus of Health Outcomes
Stewart Turley/Eckerd Corporation Centennial Endowed Professor Emeritus
Graduate Advisor
Dr. Marvin Shepherd

Marvin Shepherd, Ph.D.

Clifford L. Klinck, Jr. Centennial Professor Emeritus in Pharmacy
Dr. Chris Whitman

Christian P. Whitman, Ph.D.

Division Head and Professor of Chemical Biology & Medicinal Chemistry
Romeo T. Bachand, Jr. Regents Professor in Pharmacy
Executive Committee Chair
Fellow of Alumni Centennial Endowed Fellowship in Pharmacy (P1 Teaching Award)
Kun Yang profile

Kun Yang, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Chemical Biology & Medicinal Chemistry