Justin Pedigo photo

Justin Pedigo, Pharm.D.

Clinical Assistant Professor of Pharmacotherapy and Translational Sciences
Regional Director - San Antonio
Interprofessional Education Coordinator - San Antonio
Nicholas Peppas Profile Pic

Nicholas A. Peppas, Sc.D.

Courtesy Faculty
Sara Piety smiling in the Pharmacy building

Sara Piety

Director of Development, Major and Principal Gifts
Kaylee Plowman smiling in an outdoor setting

Kaylee Plowman

Senior Academic Program Coordinator
Dean Poloyac wearing a suit and smiling.

Samuel M. Poloyac, Pharm.D., Ph.D.

Dean and James T Doluisio Regents Chair
placeholder for profile images; grey background with white outline of human head and shoulders

Ryan Popp, Pharm.D.

Ambulatory/Community Coordinator, Galveston/Houston Region
Adjunct Assistant Professor
placeholder for profile images; grey background with white outline of human head and shoulders

John T. Powers, Ph.D.

Courtesy Faculty
Dr. Olivia Ramey smiling and wearing a floral top

Olivia Ramey, Pharm.D., BCPS

Clinical Assistant Professor of Pharmacotherapy and Translational Sciences
Karen Rascati Profile Pic

Karen Rascati, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus of Health Outcomes
Stewart Turley/Eckerd Corporation Centennial Endowed Professor Emeritus
Graduate Advisor
John Reineke wearing a suit coat and collared shirt and smiling.

John Reineke

Senior Information Technology Manager, Learning Resource Center
Kelly Reveles Profile Pic

Kelly R. Reveles, Pharm.D., Ph.D., BCPS, BCIDP

Associate Professor of Pharmacotherapy and Translational Sciences
Pharmacotherapy and Translational Sciences Division Graduate Advisor
Kristin Richards

Kristin M. Richards, Ph.D., R.Ph.

Senior Research Scientist
TxCORE Associate Director
Dr. John Richburg

John H. Richburg, Ph.D.

Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies
Professor of Pharmacology & Toxicology
Gustavus & Louise Pfeiffer Professor in Toxicology
Charles Rickman

Charlie Rickman

Senior Media Support Technician
Cathy Rodriguez wearing a necklace and smiling.

Catherine Rodriguez

Administrative Program and Division Coordinator, Chemical Biology & Medicinal Chemistry
Monica Rodriguez headshot photo

Monica Rodriguez

Academic Program Coordinator
placeholder for profile images; grey background with white outline of human head and shoulders

Chelsey Roscoe, Pharm.D., BCACP

Ambulatory Coordinator, Austin/Temple/Waco Region
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Chris Roscoe wearing a striped collared shirt and smiling.

Christopher Roscoe

Building Manager
Sharon Rush wearing glasses and smiling.

Sharon Rush, R.Ph.

Clinical Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice
Laurajo Ryan Profile Pic

Laurajo Ryan, Pharm.D., M.Sc., BCPS

Clinical Professor of Pharmacotherapy and Translational Sciences
Dr. Stephen Saklad wearing glasses and a Longhorn polo.

Stephen R. Saklad, Pharm.D., BCCP

Clinical Professor Emeritus
Johnny Salinas photo

Johnny Salinas

Administrative Program and Division Coordinator, Pharmacotherapy and Translational Sciences
Dr. Justin Samuel

Justin Samuel, Ph.D.

Assistant Dean for Student Affairs
Assistant Professor of Practice
Rebecca Schwarz wearing earrings and a checkered scarf and smiling.

Rebecca Schwarz

Administrative Program and Division Coordinator, Molecular Pharmaceutics & Drug Delivery
Herman Schwarzer Profile Pic

Herman Schwarzer IV

Purchasing Associate, Business Office