University Hospital and South Texas Veterans Health Care System in conjunction with the University of Texas, College of Pharmacy

Laurajo Ryan, Pharm.D., MSc, BCPS, CDE
Pharmacotherapy Residency Director
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Pharmacotherapy Education & Research Center
7703 Floyd Curl Drive – MSC 6220
San Antonio, TX 78229-3900
(210) 567-8320
The goal of the program is to prepare pharmacists to enter a clinical practice in pharmacotherapy.
Over the course of the 2 years, residents will achieve clinical practice skills which include direct patient care skills, skill in interpreting, generating, and disseminating knowledge in pharmacotherapy and practice management skills.
The Specialty Practice Residency is conducted principally at University Hospital.
University Health System is a 604-bed tertiary care facility. The institution has been included in US News and World Report’s top 100 hospitals since 2000. The system also includes 5 outpatient clinics throughout San Antonio.
University Hospital serves as a major teaching facility for the College of Pharmacy, The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Colleges of Medicine, Nursing, and Dentistry as well as supporting medical residency programs for most medical specialties.
Rotations emphasize direct patient care responsibilities and are typically one month in length.
UT—affiliated residents meet on a weekly basis for Advanced Pharmacotherapy Seminar. This seminar is an advanced—level clinical discussion led by the residents.
These sessions emphasize cased-based learning with a focus on developing problem-solving skills and critical thinking.
In addition to seminar, each resident will present a clinical topic at Pharmacotherapy Rounds which is teleconferenced to other remote sites.
Residents are required to design and complete at least one research protocol; participation in ongoing research is also encouraged.
Residents are assigned as teaching assistants, and as such, participate in didactic courses and serve in clinical teaching roles for PharmD interns.
The University of Texas at Austin and its affiliated institutions are an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Qualified women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Security sensitive; conviction verification conducted on applicant selected.
Residency Details
San Antonio, Texas
Length of Residency
1 year or 2 years (in conjunction with M.S. in Pharmacy)
Start Date
July 1
Pharm.D. degree from ACPE-accredited institution.
Texas licensure by September 1.
A strong interest in clinical pharmacy.
Competitive salary
Attractive benefits package