DeeDee Hu, Pharm.D., MBA
PGY1 Residency Program Director
Pharmacy Clinical Manager
St. David’s Medical Center
Department of Pharmacy
919 E. 32nd Street
Austin, Texas 78705
Email: Deedee.Hu@stdavids.com
St. David’s Medical Center – Austin includes a 426-bed acute care hospital with a 64-bed rehabilitation hospital providing comprehensive inpatient and outpatient care. It is home to the internationally renowned Texas Cardiac Arrythmia Institute and St. David’s Neuroscience & Spine Institute. Additional services at St. David’s Medical Center include comprehensive stroke center, bariatric center of excellence and the region’s largest Level IV Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
The St. David’s Medical Center Pharmacy Post Graduate Year One Residency is affiliated with the University of Texas at Austin College of Pharmacy. This affiliation requires resident participation in the Pharmacotherapy Teaching and Leadership Fellows Program (TLFP) at the University.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to create and sustain outstanding and comprehensive pharmaceutical care through the development and support of innovative, independent, thoughtful and compassionate post graduate year one residents.
Rotations and Experiences
Residents are required to complete seven core rotations and four elective rotations. These rotations are designed to prepare the resident for practice in an acute care setting. In addition to the eleven month long rotations, residents will be required to complete three longitudinal experiences. The first experience is staffing/order verification based. The second involves university requirements of the teaching program. The third longitudinal experience is the design and evaluation of a research project that includes presentation at residency conferences and manuscript submission.
Core Rotations
- Internal Medicine
- Medical Intensive Care Unit
- Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
- Pharmacy Administration
- Decentralized Clinical Pharmacist I
- Decentralized Clinical Pharmacist II
- Project
Elective Rotations
- Critical Care II
- Cardiology
- Neuro/Rehab
- Clinical Administration
- Operations Management
- Medication Safety
Residency Details
Austin, TX
Length of Residency
1 year
Positions Available
2 positions
Start Date
July 1
- Pharm.D. degree from an ACPE-accredited institution
- Minimum of 3.0 GPA
- Eligible for Texas licensure
- A strong desire to strengthen their clinical, academic, research, and leadership skills.
Residents will receive a competitive salary of $48,650 plus excellent employee benefits. Residents will also receive support to attend national and state pharmacy association meetings.
Application Process
Application Submission
Applications must be submitted through the Pharmacy Online Residency Centralized Application Service (PHORCAS).
Application Deadline
January 5