Welcome to the Health Outcomes Division

Health touches each and every person’s life, and our division focuses on research and education to address salient health issues with the goal of optimizing outcomes.
As you will see below, the Health Outcomes Division is intentional and aspirational in our mission, we leverage the outstanding resources of our Center (TxCORE), and we embrace opportunities and belonging for all.
As you navigate through our site, you will learn more about the transformative work of our outstanding faculty and students.

Jamie C. Barner, Ph.D., FAACP, FAPhA, Division Head
Support the Health Outcomes Division
The UT College of Pharmacy can most effectively achieve its mission of providing an exemplary pharmacy education with financial support from alumni and friends. Gifts to the college are critical to ensuring we continue to provide an outstanding pharmacy education to produce exceptional pharmacists, researchers, educators and leaders in the industry.

To be a leader in addressing population and individual patient health through innovative, high-quality research and education, and to serve our community by responding to critical health care issues that impact patients’ daily lives.
To provide state-of-the art education and training to the next generation of students so that they become leaders in the field of health outcomes and education locally and globally.

Housed within the Health Outcomes Division is the Texas Center for Health Outcomes Research and Education (TxCORE). The Center combines the strengths of its nationally-recognized clinical, pharmacy, social and behavioral, economics, and policy researchers to collect, analyze and interpret data, and disseminate our findings throughout the many sectors of the health care industry, government and private sector organizations.
Opportunity and Belonging

The division, in conjunction with the college and university, are committed to the principles of opportunity and belonging. As a member of an institution of higher education and learning, we recognize and celebrate that each individual has unique qualities that have been shaped by their culture, experiences and other influences. These unique lenses are welcomed, valued, and respected, and expression of different perspectives is highly encouraged in our teaching, research, and service.