Renee' Acosta

W. Renée Acosta, R.Ph., M.S.

Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Clinical Professor of Pharmacy Practice
Provost’s Teaching Fellow
Health IPE Fellow
Fellow of SmithKline Centennial Professorship in Pharmacy
Dr. Anton Avancena wearing a suit jacket and glasses and smiling.

Anton L.V. Avanceña, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Health Outcomes
Dr. Jamie Barner

Jamie C. Barner, Ph.D., FAACP, FAPhA

Division Head and Professor of Health Outcomes
Clifford L. Klinck, Jr. Centennial Professor
Southwestern Drug Corporation Centennial Endowed Fellow in Pharmacy (Graduate Mentor of the Year Award)
A woman smiling.

Rucha Bond, Pharm.D., Ed.D.

Assistant Dean for Experiential Education
Clinical Professor of Pharmacy Practice
Carolyn Brown

Carolyn M. Brown, Ph.D., FAPhA

Professor of Health Outcomes
Henry M. Burlage Centennial Endowed Professor
Distinguished Service Professor
Health Outcomes Division Graduate Advisor
Co-Director | Texas Center for Health Outcomes Research and Education (TxCORE)
Jenny Carrasco smiling in an indoor setting

Jenny Carrasco

Project & Communications Manager, Pharmacy Addictions Research & Medicine Program
Dr. Ashley Castleberry

Ashley Castleberry, Pharm.D., M.Ed.

Assistant Dean for Curriculum and Assessment
Clinical Professor of Pharmacy Practice
Holder of Alumni Centennial Endowed Fellowship in Pharmacy (Educator of the Year Award)
Tanabe Research Laboratories, USA, Inc. Regents Endowed Faculty Fellowship
Samantha Vogel Profile Pic

Samantha Catanzano, Pharm.D., BCPP

Clinical Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice
Psychiatric Pharmacist, UT Health Austin
Fellow of Alumni Centennial Endowed Fellowship in Pharmacy (P3 Teaching Award)
Dr. Lynn Crismon

M. Lynn Crismon, Pharm.D., FCCP, DABCP, BCPP

Dean Emeritus
Behrens Centennial Professor Emeritus of Pharmacy
Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Dr. Diane Ginsburg smiling in an outdoor setting

Diane B. Ginsburg, Ph.D., M.S., R.Ph., FASHP, DASPL

Associate Dean for Healthcare Partnerships
Clinical Professor of Pharmacy Practice
G.D. Searle & Company Endowed Fellow in Pharmacy
Provost’s Distinguished Leadership & Service Academy Professor
Dr. Tonia Guida smiling while wearing a suit coat.

Tonia Guida, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Instruction
organization placeholder image showing white organizational chart on grey background

Health Outcomes Division

College Division
Dr. Lucas Hill

Lucas G. Hill, Pharm.D., FCCP

Adjunct Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice
Troy Holbritter smiling and wearing checkered blazer

Troy Holbritter

Senior Projects Coordinator, TxCORE and Health Outcomes Division
Dr. Kristin Janzen

Kristin Janzen, Pharm.D., BCPS

Division Head and Clinical Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice
Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, Internal Medicine - Dell Seton Medical Center
Director of Pharmacology Content and Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Medical Education - Dell Medical School
photo of Michael Johnsrud

Michael Johnsrud, Ph.D., R.Ph.

Senior Research Scientist
TxCORE Executive Director
Dr Hyeun Ah Kang

Hyeun Ah Kang, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Health Outcomes
Dr. James Karboski

James A. Karboski, Pharm.D.

Clinical Professor of Pharmacy Practice
Neill B. Walsdorf Fellow in Pharmacy
Dr. Denise Kelley wearing a necklace and sweater and smiling.

Denise Kelley, Pharm.D., BCPS, FASHP

Clinical Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice
Mona Keshavarzi smiling in front of a green background

Mona Keshavarzi

Senior Research Program Coordinator, Pharmacy Addictions Research & Medicine Program
Dr. Tyler Kiles wearing a suit jacket and smiling.

Tyler Marie Kiles, Pharm.D., MPH, BC-ADM

Clinical Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice
Fellow of Alumni Centennial Endowed Fellowship in Pharmacy (P2 Teaching Award)
Dr. Kenneth Lawson

Kenneth A. Lawson, Ph.D., FAPhA

Professor Emeritus of Health Outcomes
SmithKline Centennial Professor Emeritus
Dr. Kathryn Litten

Kathryn Litten, Pharm.D., BCACP

Clinical Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice
Lindsey Loera

Lindsey J. Loera, Pharm.D.

Assistant Professor of Practice
Associate Director of Pharmacy Addictions Research & Medicine Program
Dr. Tish Moczygemba

Leticia R. Moczygemba, Pharm.D., Ph.D., FAPhA

Professor of Health Outcomes
Fellow of Doluisio Regents Professorship